Readly International AB (PUBL) Postadress: PO Box 33 41, SE-103 67 Stockholm, Sverige Besöksadress: Kungsgatan 17, Stockholm Org. nr 556912-9553


För mer information vänligen kontakta: Annika Billberg, Head of Investor Relations Readly +46 70 267 97 91,

Jan 9, 2014. 3.9 out of 5 stars 681 Annika Billberg, Head of Investor Relations Readly +46 70 267 97 91, . This information is such information that Readly International AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. Readly | All your favorite magazines with only one subscription for a fixed price of $9.99 a month. Try the unlimited magazine app for Free! Readly AB present a stable third quarter with increasing growth compared with the first two quarters of the year.

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2020 1. Juli 2015 Readly, Anbieter der App zum unbegrenzten Lesen von Magazinen Readly International AB, das Unternehmen in Privatbesitz hinter dem  Readly, a mobile app offers thousands of magazines and journals in one place. Here you'll find Sweden (HQ), Stockholm Sweden Readly investors. Edit  Corporate Overview. Reading International is a diversified company focused on the development, ownership and operation of entertainment and real property  18 Sep 2020 Eight high quality Swedish cornerstone investors committed to c. 48% of the IPO prior to the IPO ITF announcement, significantly de-risking the  17 Sep 2020 Readly International AB (“Readly”), the European category leader from Nordic and international institutional investors, as well as the general  Readly is the new way of reading magazines on tablets and smartphones.

Investera i aktier, fonder eller spara till din pension utan onödiga avgifter. Öppna konto idag! Readly International AB (PUBL) Postal address: PO Box 33 41, SE-103 67 Stockholm, Sweden Visiting address: Kungsgatan 17, Stockholm E-mail: Reg. no 556912-9553 Shareholder Total number of shares % of total number of shares ; CLEANTECH EUROPE II LUXEMBOURG (Zouk) 6,259,365: 17.04%: SWEDBANK ROBUR NY TEKNIK BTI (1.) Readly International AB (PUBL) Postal address: PO Box 33 41, SE-103 67 Stockholm, Sweden Visiting address: Kungsgatan 17, Stockholm E-mail: Reg. no 556912-9553 Annika Billberg, Head of Investor Relations Readly +46 70 267 97 91, This information is such information that Readly International AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. Idén till Readly började i en solstol vid en pool på Cypern våren 2012 när Readlys grundare, Joel Wikell, var på semester med familjen.

Readly International AB (publ) (”Readly” or the “Company”), the European category leader within digital subscription services for magazines, today announces its intention to launch an initial public offering and to list the Company’s shares on Nasdaq Stockholm (“IPO” or the “Offering”).

Readly has headquarters in Sweden. Login to your Readly account, edit your account details or give away Readly to your friends Optimised for mobile reading - NEW! 5 reasons why we think you’ll love Readly: 1.

Readly International AB is a provider of subscription services for digital magazines and offers all- you-can-read access to a portfolio of approximately 5,000 titles and approximately 130,000 editions from reliable publishers. The Readly subscription gives the user unlimited access to thousands of magazines in around 16 local languages.

Readly international ab investor relations

Om Readly · Investor Relations · Karriär · Pressrum · Tidningar · Mitt konto. Support. Support · Twitter · Vanliga frågor och svar · Kontakta  ABG Sundal Collier AB ("ABG"), i sin roll som Sole Global Coordinator, meddelar att. Annika Billberg, Head of Investor Relations Readly Rasmus Blomqvist, Head of Investor Relations Readly åligger Readly International AB (publ) att offentliggöra i enlighet med lagen om handel  Head of Investor Relations at Readly. ReadlyUniversity of Gothenburg.

Login to your Readly account, edit your account details or give away Readly to your friends Optimised for mobile reading - NEW! 5 reasons why we think you’ll love Readly: 1. Readly makes commutes bearable again. Enjoy a good read and keep boredom at bay! Magazines are now mobile friendly and can be downloaded to read when there’s no Wi-Fi. 2. Do more with Readly.
Aina erlander

Readly international ab investor relations

Try the unlimited magazine app for Free! Annika Billberg, Head of Investor Relations Readly +46 70 267 97 91, . This information is such information that Readly International AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. LifeClean International AB Telefonnummer: +46 (0)522-104 04 E-postadress: Integritetspolicy. 556897-5964 • Nettoomsättningen minskade med 7 procent till 9 166 MSEK (9 872). Organiskt minskade försäljningen med 6 procent.

Ramus Blomqvist is Head:Investor Relations at Readly AB. See Ramus Blomqvist's compensation, career history, education, & memberships. Annika Billberg, Head of Investor Relations Readly +46 70 267 97 91, Kontaktuppgifter för media: Linnéa Aguero, Head of PR & Communications Readly +46 72 503 32 31, Readly International AB (publ) (“Readly” eller “Bolaget”), marknadsledaren i Europa inom kategorin digitala magasin, offentliggör idag, i enlighet med vad som kommunicerades den 1 september 2020, ett erbjudande av nya och befintliga stamaktier i Bolaget och en notering av aktierna på Nasdaq Stockholm ("Erbjudandet"). Readlys Års- och hållbarhetsredovisning 2020 har publicerats på bolagets hemsida, Annika Billberg, Head of Investor Relations Readly +46 70 267 97 91,
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Readly International AB (publ),556912-9553 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status, adress mm för Readly International AB (publ)

Annika Billberg, Head of Investor Relations Readly +46 70 267 97 91,

Informationen är sådan information som det åligger Readly International AB (publ) att offentliggöra i enlighet med lagen om handel med finansiella instrument. Informationen lämnades för offentliggörande genom ovanstående kontaktpersons försorg torsdagen den 25 mars 2021, kl. 18.00 CET.

2020 1. Juli 2015 Readly, Anbieter der App zum unbegrenzten Lesen von Magazinen Readly International AB, das Unternehmen in Privatbesitz hinter dem  Readly, a mobile app offers thousands of magazines and journals in one place. Here you'll find Sweden (HQ), Stockholm Sweden Readly investors.

Readly International AB (publ),556912-9553 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status, adress mm för Readly International AB (publ) Sök Skaffa Allabolag Plus Skaffa plus För mer information vänligen kontakta: Annika Billberg, Head of Investor Relations Readly +46 70 267 97 91, 2021-03-25 · Rasmus Blomqvist, Head of Investor Relations Readly +46 70 233 53 67, Kontaktperson för media: Linnéa Aguero, Head of PR & Communications Readly +46 72 503 32 31, Head of Investor Relations Readly +46 702 33 53 67; Amelie Argenti. PR Manager +46 733 92 42 63 Annika Billberg, Head of Investor Relations Readly +46 70 267 97 91, Kontaktuppgifter för media: Linnéa Aguero, Head of PR & Communications Readly +46 72 503 32 31, Contact for investors and analysts: Maria Hedengren, CEO Readly Johan Adalberth, CFO Readly +46 72 727 50 70,